The East Coker
Society, a non-profit making organisation, was formed in 1975 to inspire an interest
in all aspects of the village's heritage and to develop a sense of community
within the village. Everyone who lives or works in the civil parish of East
Coker is automatically a member of the society, but it is administered by an
elected Executive Committee. The society also involves and informs all
residents as fully as possible of all the interests and activities of the
society. The society welcomes and respects the opinions of all the members,
whatever their age, status or connections.
As well as an interest in heritage, the society's other interests are
conservation, education, recreation and communication. Communication is our
main objective. The East Coker Society Newsletter is published every three
months, in January, April, July and October. It is delivered free to every home
in the parish (or sent via e-mail), and can also be read on this website.