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Welcome to the start of another East Coker Society year. Thank you to those who attended the AGM and to all who have helped and supported over the past year.

The Golden Jubilee celebrations were marvellous. Well done East Coker! So many people worked together to bring about a truly memorable weekend of events - what wonderful community spirit exists in our village! I wou ld personally like to thank Lesley Lindsay for all her work and active support throughout, and Monica King and Christine Mowbray (and their families) for the enormous amount of work they put into planning the marquee dance and fireworks which rounded off the celebrations with such a bang.

The scope of the East Coker Society is a broad one (see attached copy of the proposed amended constitution at the end of the Newsletter with the reply slip). Suggestions and new ideas for activities within the scope on the constitution are warmly invited.

Pauline Helliar


This will be held on Saturday 7 December 2002, 2.00pm-4.00pm at East Coker Hall. Tables are available at a £1 per foot, e.g. four-foot table £4; six-foot table £6 or any combinations thereof.


As Pauline mentioned above we really celebrated in style, but it wouldn't have happened without the help of so many people and we would like to thank them very much indeed. In no particular order, THANK YOU! THANKYOU! THANK YOU! to:

John Burton & Kevin, East Coker Sawmills, for the East Coker Golden Jubilee Logo.

Gloria & Leigh Mead for coffee at East Coker Hall. Martin Salzer for the slide shows.

Edna Mitchell, Hebe Bowes & Mary Ashley for the light lunches at East Coker Hall.

Anne Hartley for the Beetle Drive & Sandra Snelling for the Entertainment.

All three churches for the Ecumenical Service. The Bellringers for the Jubilee Peal.

Eileen Wilson for the table decorations. Carol Blackmore for the Jubilee Mugs.

Christine Mead, Catherine Denney, Jane Donnelly and Bridget Sugg for the Children's Golden Jubilee Picnic Tea.

Monica King and Chris Mowbray who organised the marquee evening dance and fireworks.

Barbara Chatwin, our soprano, for the Prom Songs. Cecil Turner for his barn dancing.

Jim & Sharon for the marquee and all those who helped to put it up and take it down.

Sue Hounsell & Leigh Mead for ticket sales. Chris Toyne and the Morris Dancers.

Doreen Frosdick and the Maypole Dancers. Kay Biggin for judging the Crown competition.

Chris Bugler for putting up Scout tents, 'smashing the crockery' and the Cub & Scout display.

Archives: Gerry Smith, Abigail Shepherd, David Pryor, Flora & Ray Duley and all other clubs and societies that offered albums.

The W.I., the Time To Share and the East Coker Christian Fellowship for their exhibitions.

Lin Hann, Jo Ryan & Helen Ryan for afternoon teas at the Pavilion. Ian Pilbean for electrics.

Abigail Shepherd for organising the reprint of the Story of Our Village.

Frank Hunt for taking lots of photos of people outside their homes. P.C. Stamper for his help.

The Wine Circle for their wine tasting. People who manned the side-shows.

Richard Plowman, Plowman Motors, South Street, Yeovil for flying his plane.

Graham Loder for cooking the meat, and Paul & Val Hillard and Georgie Loder for serving it.

Hazel Clarke for the hot dog barbecue. Bob Mead for the hay bales.

Ann Lewis and John Massow for their help with the exhibition and all those who helped put it up on the Sunday night.

Barbara Cloke for transporting the display boards. Brian Rousell for his help everywhere.

Melanie Trott for decorating the marquee. Ian Montague of Montague Stores, Huish, Yeovil.

Paul Hillard, and his helpers for organising the children's races.

Howard Denning for the use of his field as a car park. Bill Williams for co-ordinating the bunting and all those that helped put it up around the village.

Angela Griffin, Sue & Barry Hounsell and Judith Shaw for coffee on Tuesday morning at East Coker Hall.

Sue & Barry for helping clear up the exhibition to the very end.


Will all those who ordered copies of the Street Plan, at the Jubilee Exhibition, please note that the plans are being updated and should be ready by the end of July. They are available for £1.50 to villagers only. (We have a copyright to print 500). Copies will be sent to all emergency services.


It's not too late! If you didn't send a photograph for the exhibition, but would like to be included in the village archive being compiled, please send your photograph to Pauline, 26 Mill Close, by the end of August. A photo showing as much of your house in the background, as possible, with the family in the foreground would be ideal, but any contributions will be very acceptable. People living on their own may prefer a group photo with their neighbours.

Tel Frank on 863793 who is willing to take photographs for you.


This year the Service will be held on Sunday 3 November 2002, in St. Michael's Church, at 6.00pm. The preacher will be Preb. Mark Ellis, who is vicar of St. Michael's Church, Yeovil and also Rural Dean.

I shall be writing to those who have been bereaved during the last year to ask them if they would like their loved ones names read out during the service, but we are only too happy to include any other names. They do no have to have lived in East Coker, only be somebody's loved one.

Monica Whipp (Have you noticed there are now two Monicas in East Coker, the church one and the disco one).


St. Michael's, East Coker - Sunday 6 October 2002, 10.00am.

All Saints', Sutton Bingham - Sunday 29 September 2002, 6.30pm.

All Saints', Closworth - Sunday 8 September 2002, 6.30pm.


The Bookstall committee would like to thank all those who assisted by growing and selling plants, by giving generous raffle prizes, by helping to set up and take down the stalls, by helping with the catering and by buying so supportively.

A total of £1154 was raised. Thank you all so much. John Darling.


These meetings started at St Michael's Church in April 2001. They are held once a month with the emphasis on Bible teaching to help us understand God's word for us today.

We have been privileged to have speakers from around the country. The meetings are very informal and friendly, with plenty of time to chat over a cup of coffee afterwards. So why not give it a try, we would love to see you.

For further details, please contact Roy Hodder or Edward Armistead

Dates of meetings:
Tuesday 23 July, 7.00pm at St. Michael's
Tuesday 27 August, 6.30pm BBQ, at Pendomer House
Wednesday 18 September, 7.00pm at St. Michael's
Wednesday 30 October, 7.00pm at St Michael's
Wednesday 20 November, 7.00pm at St. Michael's
Wednesday 18 December, 7.00pm Carol Service, at St. Michael's


East Coker Players had a successful Spring Production, staging two One Act plays. One, by the children, was entitled 'Around the World with Class 6', the other, by the adults, was called 'Dress Rehearsal'. It was a very enjoyable evening, with supper served between the two performances.

Preparations for our next production will beg in at our next meeting on 2 September 2002, and any members old or new will be very welcome. We meet in the Dampier Room, East Coker Hall at 7.30pm. and so if you would like to be involved in any way we would be pleased to see you.

Our next production will be a traditional pantomime from 28 - 30 November inclusive and we hope you will put the dates in your diary and buy a ticket.

For further information about the East Coker Players


The club continues to grow and now has more than 40 members. At the April and May meetings we were enchanted by the beautiful varieties of Fuschias and Clematis and left clutching plants and instructions on how to care for them - if only it would stop raining! In June we were more practical and had advice on growing food for the freezer.

The May open meeting was a very well attended and people's generosity enabled us to raise £237 for the Yeovil Hospice Appeal. During the summer we intend to admire other people's gardens.

The autumn meetings are:
12th September - "Design Your Own Garden" by John Horsey
10th October - "Heathers" by Mrs P.H. Jones
14th November - Gold Club Christmas Evening at Brimsmore

The club meets the second Thursday of each month in East Coker Hall at 7.30 p.m. Come and join us, you will be very welcome.

Beth Vaux


Next Waste Paper Collections:- Saturday 10 August and Saturday 12 October

Autumn Jumble Sale to be held at East Coker Hall, Saturday 19 October, 2.30pm. Please start saving your jumble now! Remember, WE WILL COLLECT. Tel. Max Bugler 862186

The East Coker Scout Group has spaces available in each of the sections and would very much welcome new members, both boys and leaders.

Beavers 6-8 years, meet Thursdays 6.15pm-7.30pm : Sian Jinks 863837

Cubs 8-10.5 years, meet Tuesdays 6.30pm-8,00pm : Kevin Woodcock 864373

Scouts 10.5-15.5 years, meet Fridays 7.00pm-9.00pm : Gary Beales 426685

Venture Scouts 15-20 years, meet Sundays 7.00pm-9.00pm : Dave Webber 474648

Venue - All sections meet at the Scout Hut at the East Coker Recreation Ground.

Jackie Glover


We are a local playgroup operating at the Sport's Pavilion, Long Furlong Lane, East Coker, next to the playing field. Sessions run Monday to Friday starting at 9.15 am finishing at 12 noon. We provide a warm, friendly, stimulating and safe environment where children can blossom and grow, learning and developing happily through play based activities. We are Ofsted inspected and children will be funded under the Early Years Grant system when eligible.

This summer we are pleased to be able to offer holiday sessions, Monday to Friday, 9.15am - 12noon, from 22 July to 16 August inclusive. The charge per session is £3.50 per child. Sessions are available to children aged 3years to 6years. for further information on either Playgroup and/or Holiday Playgroup, please contact Kay Strode 872126.

Our next fundraising event is our Craft Fair on 10 November at East Coker Hall from 10.30am - 4.00pm. Stalls are available for the Craft Fair, please contact Eve Dudden

In betweenies

A baby and toddler group for parents and carers. An afternoon for fun and play whilst becoming familiar with the playschool setting and facilities.

We meet on Thursday afternoon from 1.30pm - 3.00pm at the Pavilion, Long Furlong Lane, East Coker. The cost is £1 per family, contact Penny


Saturday 27 and Sunday 28 July 2002, 12noon - 5pm. In aid of St.Margaret's Yeovil Hospice Appeal. Admission £1.

CLOSWORTH FETE Saturday 20 July 2002, 2.00pm at Manor Farm, Closworth. 50p adults.
Cakes, Bottle stall, Raffle, Games, White Elephant. Be there or be square.


We are considering compiling as East Coker Golden Jubilee Souvenir Booklet of photos and comments, which will be printed and available for sale. However to achieve this we need photos and articles from you with your comments on the events and memories of the weekend. If we have sufficient contributions, which can be sent to Pauline, 26 Mill Close by 31 August, the proposed project will go ahead.


I know that Christmas is still five months away but we thought you should have advance notice that a tea towel, with views of the East Coker, will be available at our Christmas Bazaar on Saturday, 7 December in the Village Hall.


Happy volunteers are need ed to help cut the grass in the Paddock! If you are willing to be part of a working party, please contact Pauline 863700 so that a convenient date can be arranged.


Sadly, several events have clashed again recently. Do please ask to see the Village Diary, in the village shop, at the planning stage. Also, please be sure to write the event and a contact name in the diary as soon as a date has been agreed. By keeping the diary up to date, hopefully, all parties concerned will benefit from a good attendance.


We are about to update the Directory, so if your club has new contact names, or different information from last year, do please contact Pauline 863700 as soon as possible. Ideas of any other useful information that you would like to see included in this edition would be gladly received, including dates of annual events in the village.


Make a date for the annual Flower Show and Wine Festival to be held at the East Coker Hall on Saturday 17 August 2002 at 2.00pm. Schedules are still available from the East Coker Post Office & Stores. It's not too late to enter.

Sue Hounsell


Once again it's time to thank you all for what you have done in the past and hope you will continue to do the same in the future. Last year, 2001, we raised an amazing £21.2 million countrywide, the largest total ever, and it seems we always have a reason to try to do better.

This year apart from the ongoing conflicts around the world, in which many of our service personnel are involved, it is of course Jubilee year, and what better way to celebrate than to have another record breaking collection.

If there are any 'wannabe' collectors hiding out there, we are always glad of extra help. Many thanks in advance.

Sue Hounsell


Founded by a handful of villagers, who wanted to learn about the art of winemaking in 1977, the Wine Circle celebrates its Silver Jubilee this year with a special programme of events and a membership of 100. Many of these events will be open to non-members, including commercial wine tasting in December 2002 and June 2003, and a Charity Concert is being given in the East Coker Hall, in February 2003, by the South West R.A.F.A. Band. A Celebration Dinner is also being arranged at East Coker Hall, in March 2003, where a stage and television celebrity has been invited to be the guest speaker. Former Wine Circle members, and friends will be particularly welcome at this event. F or the monthly meetings there will be both wine-related and non wine-related speakers and supper will be served at some of these meetings. The ever popular 'theme party and dance' will be held on Saturday 11 January 2003 - the theme 'The Charity Shop Hop'. A four-day (three-night) wine trail of Shropshire is being organised for May 2003. Also a trip to Harvey's of Bristol for a port tasting and a visit to the SS Great Britain.

Some people may have read in the local press of the experience of the members when they were forced to evacuate their hotel during the early hours, 4.00am, on the final night of their recent French trip. Following a disturbance on the second floor of their hotel, the fire alarm sounded and two fire engines arrived. Fortunately no fire was discovered, the alarm being caused by two rather inebriated guests (not Wine Circle members) during a domestic argument!

This proved to be an eventful trip, for the previous evening, when returning from Amiens, the coach on which the members were travelling broke down. Fortunately the breakdown occurred directly opposite a coach company and within a very short time they were bussed back to their hotel.

A full programme, organised by the Secretary, Joyce Pryor, was enjoyed, and included a visit to the Hortillonages Water Gardens, the Cathedral and a 'real ale' brewery at Amiens. Also visits to the Chateau Museum and the Naussicaa in Boulogne, and two wine tasting.

At the June AGM, three members, Anne Hartley, Derek Marpole, and John Hollis each selected two of their favourite commercial wines for the members to try.

Officers elected, or re-elected were: Chairman, Barry Hartley, Chairman-elect, Doreen Bates, Immediate Past Chairman, Leon Harwood, Secretary, Joyce Pryor, Treasurer, David Fellows, Assistant Treasurer, Brenda Gibbons, Competitions Secretary, David Pryor, S W Federation & SAAW Representative, Clive Horsley, and Committee, Anne Hartley, Sue Copley, Derek Marpole and Vince Wolny.

Following a series of monthly competitions, Brenda Gibbons was Winemaker of the Year, with last year's winner, Alan Solloway, as runner up. Judge's favourite - Allan Solloway, red dry. Winners of the June competition , judged by David Pryor, were:- Joan Williams, white dry; Allan Solloway, red dry; Brenda Gibbons, white sweet; Mike Bailss, red social; Mary Horsley (Chairman's Choice) apple medium.

Enquiries, about membership or events, to the Secretary.


This year having been drafted in as a 'stand-in' cleaner at the school, I was invited to see the school play Oliver. What a treat! Although it is very unfair to single out people, I must say the 'leading lights' would have given any top star a run for their money. Well done to everyone involved.

Sue Hounsell


The East Coker Society was founded in 1975 and the original constitution has been amended. A copy of the proposed constitution is attached. Everybody living or working within the Parish is automatically a member. We would value your views on this.

Please return the slip below to 26 Mill Close or Little Meadow, Coker Marsh as soon as possible or by 31 August 2002.

A meeting to discuss the proposed constitution and to adopt it, will be held in the Dampier Room, East Coker Hall on Tuesday 3 September 2002, 7.30pm. All welcome.


I the undersigned agree that the proposed constitution be adopted

Signed.................................................... Date.........................................................


Suggestions/disagreements please list below:

Signed.................................................... Tel No.......................................................


During the Lifeboat Collection Week in June, over £260 was raised in East Coker. The Yeovil Committee of the RNLI expressed their thanks and appreciation for this generous contribution towards the total collected in the Yeovil area of £2,665.

As most of us appreciate, the lifeboats are operated by volunteer crews frequently in the most hazardous conditions. Last year saw the crews answering 6,882 calls and rescuing 6,918 people. RNLI operations have recently been extended to some inland waterways and the service is increasingly being called upon for assistance during floods.