East Coker Society Newsletter


October 2007    Free Issue No 128


Chair: John Sugg   863435   e-mail

Newsletter Editor: Lesley Lindsay   862868   e-mail

Secretary: Sarah Owen   862218

Treasurer: Keith Helliar   863700



East Coker Society News





We greatly appreciate delivery by e-mail as it saves money on our printing costs so if in future you would like to receive the Newsletter via e-mail, please e-mail Lesley Lindsay with your name and postal address so you can be removed from our delivery lists.  Your e-mail address will be kept entirely private, with no cross-referencing of other people's e-mails.


For those already receiving the Newsletter by e-mail, please e-mail Lesley Lindsay if you change your e-mail address.





The 2008 Diary is now at the East Coker Post Office, to the right of the door when entering the shop.  Please could village organisations put their forthcoming events in the Diary to avoid the doubling up of these events.  Thank you.





Book early!  Tables for the Christmas Bazaar are available.  The price is £1 a foot, for 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 foot tables.  .  Setting up of tables will be from 12 noon onwards


Individuals or organisations who wish to reserve a table should please fill in the form below, and send it with either cash or a cheque, by 5 November at the latest, made payable to East Coker Society, to Carol Blackmore, Pippins, Higher Burton, East Coker 862192.  This will make certain your stall is reserved.








Name of Organisation…………………………………………………………………………………………...……………


Type of Stall……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Contact Name and Telephone Number……………………………………………………………………………………..



Size of table at £1 per foot…………..  I enclose £………..    Signed ………………...………......…………………...






Village Clubs and Organisations




As we are celebrating our 30th year a social evening was organised in August at the Royal Oak, Hardington.  Members enjoyed a buffet supper and a chance to look at old costumes, scrapbooks, and catch up with one another.  An evening of entertainment is planned for 30 November and everyone is welcome.  Please bring food for an American Supper, and a donation would be appreciated to help cover the costs of the hall, etc.


We are hoping to produce a play in May – ‘Allo! Allo!’ and need some cast members.  If anyone is interested in joining us, please contact Nora White 477897.


Christmas Bingo – 8 December at East Coker Hall.  Doors open 6.45 pm.  Eyes down 7.30 pm.  In aid of Dorset & Somerset Air Ambulance and Yeovil Cardiac Unit.  For more details, contact Nora White 477897





Tuesday 23 October – results and readings from our poetry competition.

Tuesday 27 November – James Crowden, a local author and poet, presents a poetic evening based on the Atlantic convoys of the Second World War.





In a month of disappointing weather – cold and damp – the Club had a surprisingly sunny evening for the July visit to Sally Gregory's garden near Wookey.  It was a delightful experience with a chance to buy some interesting plants before finishing with tea and cake on the terrace. In August Jonathan Hoskyns from North Perrott came to talk about the starting up of the Fruit Farm by his grandfather in 1930 and the cultivation of apples.  He brought with him a selection of delicious apple drinks and greengages and Discovery apples picked that day.  ‘What's in a Name’, on 13 September, was explained by Mike Burks, Managing Director of the Gardens Group, which includes Brimsmore and Castle Gardens.  He treated the subject with great humour and kept the audience chuckling at some funny incidents connected with plant names.  In October, at the time of the publication of this Newsletter, Nick Williams-Ellis is describing how they took Dorset to Chelsea, at a meeting held at the Quick Silver Mail on Hendford HiII.  Two days later, on 13 October, a coach trip is going to Sir Harold Hillier's gardens near Romsey to see the Autumn colouring.


Programme for November to January


Thursday 8 November 7.30pm at the Quick Silver Mail. Annual General Meeting.

Wednesday 14 November6.30pm, Discount Shopping at Brimsmore Garden Centre, with refreshments.

Thursday 13 December7.30pm in the East Coker Hall, Marion Emery on ‘A Victorian Christmas’

Thursday 10 January 20087.30pm in the East Coker Hall, Bonny Sartin, of the ‘Yetties’, on ‘Dorset my Dorset’


Visitors and new members are always welcome.  Enquiries to Catherine Denney on 862294 or Stan Shayler on 420291





The Women's Institute will be holding an Open Evening, where all are welcome, on Thursday 29 November at 8.00pm at the East Coker Hall.  Our speaker, Mrs Connie Creighton, will be giving an interesting talk on ‘22 years with Sooty’.  How many of us remember the little glove puppet with his friend Sweep?  This will be followed by a finger buffet.  We promise no jam and no Jerusalem, but at the small cost of £1 per person we feel sure that this is very good value for money.  We hope that this small insight into our group will encourage new members to join and enjoy the comradeship and interesting talks and activities throughout the year. 

Would anyone needing any further information please contact Secretary Linda Morgan on 863694


The Whist Drives are held on a Thursday at the East Coker Hall at 7.30pm.  The dates as follows:

18 October;       15 November,    17 January 2008.  It has been decided to give December a miss as it is a busy time.





The names of the winners of the August Draw are as follows: £100 Mr P Moore; £50 Mr A Frecknall; £40 Lady Vickers; £30 Mr & Mrs T Kimpton; £20 Mr J Carter; £15 Mr R Tower; £10 Mr P Pisani and Mr & Mrs A Jullens


If anyone would like further information, or would like to join, they can contact me on 862472 or at Dairy Cottage, East Coker.  Mike Weston





For only the second time in East Coker Wine Circle’s 30 year history, the trophy for the Best Wine in the Wine Festival, held in conjunction with the Flower Show, went outside the local wine circle, to Bridgwater’s Phil Marshall, who gained five firsts from six entries, an outstanding achievement!  Only one point separated the two main Circle contenders in the Open Wine Festival; Vince Wolny took the major award for the most points in the festival, from last year’s champion, Joyce Pryor, gaining 124 to her 123.  Joyce also won the trophy for the best wine in the show, entered by an East Coker Wine Circle member.  Vince won the trophy for most points gained by a circle member and the Novice Trophy was won by Sarah Rashley.


There was excellent response for the Circle’s golf tournament at Halstock on 23 September, in aid of the chairman’s chosen charities to mark the Circle’s 30th Anniversary – the Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance and the Yeovil Cardiac Unit.  There were more than 40 entries including three teams from Loders’ Garage and also the Yeovil-based musical theatre group, Kassmatt.


Kassmatt will be entertaining at the Circle’s Anniversary Dinner at Long Sutton Golf Club on 20 October, when the result of a special charity draw will be announced.  The prizes of quality French wine have been donated by honorary member, John Craske, who lives in Brittany.


The ‘alternative’ calendar, similar to the one that shot Rylstone and District Women’s Institute to international fame, had a successful launch at the East Coker Flower Show.  It features members of the Circle in varying states of tasteful undress to represent each month of the year.  It is hoped that the calendar will considerably boost the charity fund.  The calendar, which runs for 14 months from November, is selling well at £5.50 each.


Dates for your diary are Wednesday 5 December at 8.00pm – Wine Circle Commercial wine tasting and bread making competition, and the Circle’s next major event will be the Oriental theme party, ‘A Touch of Spice!’ on Saturday, 12 January.  Guests and new members are always welcome to the monthly meetings which are held at the East Coker Hall on the first Wednesday of the month, unless otherwise announced. 


Further details can be obtained from the Secretary, Mary Horsely 471072 or from the Circle’s web site – www.eastcokerwinecircle.co.uk





Our Silver Jubilee Ball held on Friday 28 September, at The Digby Hall, Sherborne was a great success and enjoyed by all.  Thelma Crocker and Judy Petheram were presented with certificates for 20 years service to the charity and Glen Radford, Liz Dunning, Angie Mead and Jane Donnelly were presented for 25 years service.  The awards were presented by the Director of Fundraising Lewis Coghlin who travelled from the Head Office in Horsham for the event.  The evening raised £1,850.  Our thanks to all who supported us.


On Friday 23 November, a local drama group who call themselves ‘4BY4’ will be putting on a show at the East Coker Hall called ‘An Evening of Music and Song’, which will feature songs from well known musicals with amusing interludes between.  Tickets are £5 each and are available from Angie Mead 862972 or Barb Raison 862553.  The group have kindly agreed to donate all profits from the evening to Action Medical Research.  This should be a very entertaining evening sp we hope to see many of you there.



Young People




We have had a year full of achievements so far!  Three Scouts, Jack Baker, Zac Tredger and Johnny Holliday, have all achieved the Chief Scout’s Gold Award.  This involves activities covering Adventure, Leadership and Commitment and a personnel challenge.  Jack Rashley and Thomas Holliday have achieved their Chief Scout’s Silver Awards.  The Scouts won both the District Camping competition and Fox Trophy two day hiking competition.  Chris Bugler has been awarded the Silver Acorn following in his brother Max’s footsteps from last year.  This award is ‘in recognition of especially distinguished service’ and Chris has certainly earned it and continues quietly to support the Group at every turn.  Three Scouts were joined by Gary Beales and Kevin Woodcock at the World Scout Jamboree in August.  They all had a fantastic time and many of you will remember helping them raise money to go including car washing in the village.  Thank you to everyone.


We have a new assistant Scout Leader, James Mayo, and Mike Holiday has restarted our Beaver Colony on Wednesday evenings.  However, we have temporarily closed the Cub section as we were short on numbers.  We have just said goodbye to Gary Beales who has been with the Group for 40 years. Gary moved to Australia in September and we offer Gary, Julie and Erica all our best wishes.  There are not many people who remember East Coker Scout Group without Gary and I’m sure he will not be forgotten. Oz must now be on our future list of summer camps – 2010 maybe!


We continue to offer the full range of the Scout programme for our young members and thank all the leaders, parents and friends who give their time on a regular basis.  David Webber, Group scout Leader


Newspaper Collections: Saturday 27 October;       Saturday 24 November;            Saturday 29 December


Autumn Jumble Sale: Saturday 20 October.  East Coker Hall from 2.00pm.  Remember we will collect.  Contact Max Bugler 862186.


Section Meeting Times:  Beaver Scouts: Wednesday 6.00pm – 7.15pm.  Contact 863430 Cub Scouts: Contact 474648   Scouts: Friday 7.00pm – 9.00pm Contact 474648





East Coker Playgroup is back in session for the Autumn.  Due to demand Kay and her staff held sessions during the summer holidays on a Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday morning for 5 weeks of the ‘holidays’. There was no time for a rest – the children were eager to get back to play in September.  This half term the children are exploring Light and Dark.  The display the children are making will be themed on going from Night to Day, and who knows who will be making an appearance on the display as we focus on the children’s interests and play.


The wealth of experience of our fully qualified staff offers quality childcare and education through play, exploring the wider environment and local community with project-based activities.  These include trips out and visitors, such as the fire brigade, police, vet, doctor, dentist, clergy, musicians and local artists.  Ofsted have consistently given the group excellent reports and commended us for the interaction and encouragements between staff and children, partnership with parents, teaching, management and the emphasis on fun.


Children can join us from the age of 2½ and Nursery Education Funding is available from the term after the third birthday.  We are open during term time every weekday morning, Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons, and offer optional lunch cover for children who like to bring a packed lunch.  During the Summer Term the playgroup piloted extended opening hours (a breakfast club and ‘after-school’ club for pre-schoolers) – please contact Kay Strode if you would like more information on this exciting new opportunity on your doorstep.  For more information and to put your child/children on the waiting list please contact Kay Strode on 07798 812540 or after 6.00pm on 872126


There are two fundraising events being held by the Playgroup Committee and we would love your support. The first is a Chocoholic Evening! See you there…..


Our second event and most spectacular fundraiser is a Craft Fair held in East Coker Village Hall on Sunday 11 November, 10.30am – 4.00pm.  Come, browse, and find some wonderfully crafted gifts and ideas, ready for Christmas.  The Playgroup will run a Homemade Cake Stall and there will be refreshments and light lunches available.  Get those family photographs done for Christmas – there will be a photographer – and maybe win a wonderful prize in our Grand Raffle.  We look forward to seeing you all.


For information on the Craft Fair, please contact Jo Hayward on 01935 414839.




I am Vicki, and I am the Family Support Worker for the Jigsaw Children’s Centre.  I am based in the big blue bus you will see around the village.  From the bus and various village halls, I will run groups for parents and their children under the age of 5 years.  Also from the bus or your home I can offer individual support.  Other agencies can also work from the bus by appointment.


Friday 10.00am – 11.30am Peep Group.  East Coker Hall

Friday – Parents into work, advisor Marilyn Stevens.  Booking by appointment in the bus at East Coker Hall.  I look forward to meeting you.  Please contact me on 0784460555



The Churches






Every Wednesday  7.30am – 1662 Service

Sunday 21 October  Deanery Confirmation – 10.00am

Sunday 11 November  Service of Remembrance at 10. 50am when all uniformed groups are very welcome to parade with their banners and flags, as an act of thanksgiving for those who died in the past major conflicts.

Sunday 2 December  Christingle  10.00am

Monday 17 December  Carol singing around the village, starting at 7.00pm.  9.00pm Mince Pies etc at the Vicarage.

Sunday 23 December  Carol Service 6.00pm  Readers and singers are very welcome to be there.

Christmas Eve  11.00pm Midnight Mass – Sung Eucharist

Christmas Day  8.00am Holy Communion.  10.00am Family Service

Sunday 30 December  8.00am Holy Communion.  10.00am Family Service.  6.00pm Evensong

Sunday 6 January 2008  Epiphany – Family Service


One World Week – 21 – 28 October

An informal evening of music and readings in celebration of ‘One World Week’ 27 October, 7.30pm, St Michael’s Church.  Traidcraft refreshments.


Bonfire and Firework Display

To be held at the Vicarage Glebe Field on 1 November at 6.30pm.  Family Friendly Fireworks and a BBQ.  All profits will go to the Vicarage Parish Up-keep Fund.


Curry Lunch at the Vicarage

On 25 November at 12 noon Archdeacon Nicola Sullivan will be speaking to us and joining us for lunch.


Service for Those We Have Loved But See No Longer


The service this year will be on 4 November at 6.00pm.  The preacher will be Rev. Peter Kerton Johnson.  Peter was Chaplain at St Margaret's Hospice in Yeovil, where I got to know him well.  One of the things he did at St Margaret's was to start a regular service there.  Previously he worked with the Hospice movement in South Africa.


I will be writing to those who were bereaved in East Coker during the last year to invite them to the Service and to see if they would like the names of their loved ones read out in the Service.  We also welcome the names of any other people, they need not have lived in the village.  Please let me have the names by 28 October


Monica 862834




Christmas at Closworth

There will be the usual Carol Service on Sunday 9 December.  Please support this if you can.  The Church will be decorated and the lovely Crib we were given will be on display.


Christmas Eve – 4.00pm

We shall have our usual children’s’ Nativity presentation.  Each year we try and have a slightly different slant.  Last year it was through the eyes of the Kings and one year as seen by T.V. presenters!  This year I have a new idea – I hope!  It would be good if the children can come as angels, kings and shepherds.  Before now we have had children dressed as animals, and once a football player – so come as you want – the children that is!  The service lasts about 30 minutes and is quite informal.  If a baby cries do not worry as I am sure the baby Jesus cried at times.


Christmas Day – 9.00am Holy Communion


100th Birthday


Dorothy Loveless will be celebrating her 100th Birthday on 5 November.  She has lived in the same house in Closworth all her life.  We are planning to hold a special Sunday Service at 11.30am on 4 November followed by light refreshments.  Anyone who knew her will be very welcome at the service.  Dorothy worked in this village and is well known to many people.


More details from Monica 862834




The Coffee Morning at the Helyar Arms raised £510 towards the Roof Fund.  Many thanks to all who came.


4 November – 9.00am Holy Communion     18 November – 11.30am Holy Communion & All Saints’ Festival

2 December – 9.00am Holy Communion      16 December – 11.30am Holy Communion

Tuesday 18 December – 6.30pm Christmas Carols

Christmas Day – 11.30am Holy Communion


6 January 2008 – 9.00am Holy Communion  20 January – 11.30am Holy Communion





Wednesday 17 October 7.00pm – Brian Ruff – Wimborne Minster

Wednesday 21 November 7.00pm – Edward Armistead

Wednesday 19 December 7.00pm – Carol Service – David Jackman.  With mulled wine and mince pies.


These meetings take place in the East Coker Hall.  Do join us and bring your friends.  Refreshments are served after each meeting.


Roy Hodder 862519



Village News




If you come down to the store today you're in for a big surprise!


As Christmas is just around the corner, we would like to invite one and all down to the Post Office and Store for the Christmas Display on Wednesday 31 October and Thursday 1 November.  On display we will have a range of goodies and catalogues from which you can select and order.  Items will range from festive goodies to toys and games; jigsaws to DVD’s.  We look forward to seeing you there and hope that we can become a part of the best Christmas ever in the village.


We also currently have on display a range of festive cards, wrapping paper, labels and decorative treats.


Vicky, the girls (Emmalia and Lillia) and myself would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for the warm welcome which we have received on arriving in the village.  We have enjoyed tremendously, the first seven months or so which we have spent here and have every intention of being here for ‘the long haul’.  We certainly feel that we would not and could not have possibly settled in anywhere else in such a short period and really feel at home here.  It is also a nice change to feel so much a part of a community that cares, with so many people pulling together to a common goal, of making the village such a pleasant place to live.


If there are people out there whom we have not yet met, of which I’m sure there are still a few, please do come in and introduce yourselves.  You never know, you may be surprised by some of the changes which we have made.


On a more sombre note, the one way in which we would really like to ask for your support is with the Post Office.  With the pending round of Post Office closures there is a real threat that our branch, as with any other, may be short-listed for closure.  The best way which we can combat this, to ensure that the village does not lose this vital resource, is to ask that you show your support for the Post Office by using the services offered there, even if it is something as simple as buying a stamp.  At the end of the day, the busier the office, the less likely it will be short-listed for closure!





‘A History of Quakers in Industry’ – an examination of the role of Quakers in the industrial and commercial history of Britain, looking at their main involvements, their attitude to the workforce and their role in the abolition of the slave trade.


Tutor – Dr Michael Atkinson – Tuesday 2.30pm – 4.00pm East Coker Hall.  6 meetings from 2 October £28.  Contact Sarah Smith 862466



SYLVIA MAY LEWIS – 100 years on 25 September


Mrs Lewis was born at 6 Rustywell at 12.05am, where her parents moved to on 24 September 1907!  She had one brother and one sister.  Her father was a carter, taking flour from Hendford Halt to all the nearby bakers, and her mother did a milk round.  She married George Victor Lewis in 1929 and moved to East Coker Mill, where she has lived for 78 years this November.  She had four children Maurice, Ann and twins Gordon and Clifford.  She still enjoys company and visitors.


Thank you


Ann Lewis would like to thank all those people who helped to make her mother’s 100th birthday a happy and memorable occasion.  Mrs Lewis wishes to thank everyone for their lovely cards, gifts and messages of congratulations.  Thank you everyone





A big thank you to everyone who supported this event.  It was a very successful evening and raised £2,740 for CLIC/Sargent.





Autumnal Equinox – 23 September 2007


Officially, Autumn begins today, but it has been decidedly autumnal for the past week, with chilly evenings, misty mornings and quite heavy dews on the lawn.  Already, leaves are falling, colouring roadside gutters. But the past few weeks of warm dry weather made up for a dismal summer.  No measurable rain fell in the 30 day period from 22 August and the village enjoyed a late summer.  The warmest day of the year was 5 August with a shade temperature of 24.6ºC (76.3ºF) but late August and early September gave a long spell of warm days with bright sunshine.  Rainfall in the main summer months was well up on last year.  In the period July to September we had 30 rain days which gave us 137mm rain (5.4ins) compared with 95mm (3.7 ins) last year.  Mid September was a very quiet period with virtually no wind over the village. 


An unwelcome feature of the damp summer was the appearance of blight on a promising growth of tomatoes which succumbed despite the application of Bordeaux Mixture.  One welcome result of the rain was a good set of runner beans that always respond well to a moist root run.  Yields of runner beans have been poor in the last few dry summers, so this wet year has been a bonus.  Lettuces also did well in the cool damp days.


The lack of sunshine markedly reduced the number of butterflies.  I saw no Small Tortoiseshells, usually in dozens on Buddleia flowers, and only single specimens of the usual Peacocks, Red Admirals and Gatekeepers.  Others were Brimstones, Meadow Browns, Speckled Woods, a Small Copper and a Comma.  But a splendid specimen of a female Oak Eggar moth, a fine late flying Blood-Vein moth and a report of a Hornet Clearwing moth made up for the lack of butterflies.  The Hornet Clearwing moth is a fearsome sight but quite harmless, an example of protective mimicry.  Many bees fed on pale ivy flowers which opened early this year.  Ants swarmed on a hot sunny day in late August and a few dragonflies hawked over a small garden pool.


A Whitethroat made a brief visit to the garden, as did a juvenile Green Woodpecker and several Greater Spotted Woodpeckers.  In August a pair of Fly-Catchers raised a family but stayed only a few weeks.  The most welcome sighting was the family of Little Owls out and about in broad daylight near Mill Farm.  I received a report of many House Sparrows in a neighbour's garden at a time when sparrows are in sharp decline, and piles of pale feathers on three occasions were evidence of a local raptor attacking Collared Doves.


My most exciting report was a sighting of an otter in Mill Stream in September.  While there was some uncertainty over the identification, a mink was also suggested, the size of the creature was a determining factor.


Venus will be a bright object in the eastern sky before sunrise in the coming months while Saturn and Mars will appear in the morning skies in the darker mornings to come.  At the moment some bright stars are in the late evening skies.  Deneb is almost overhead while Vega is at about the same altitude but a little to the west of Deneb.  Altair is lower in the southern sky.


Francis Cloke. 862496



GILBERT ARCHIBALD PARTRIDGE – 100 years on 14 September 2007


Known as Archi, he was born and lived in Hardington Mandeville until moving to Sandhurst Road about 20 years ago.  His father was a smallholder and his grandfather was a baker.  He had three brothers and two sisters, and served in WW2 as a soldier.  He had two children.  His wife died and he remarried and gained two step-children.  He has 3 grandchildren, 10 great-grandchildren, plus another on the way and 2 great-great grandchildren.  He still walks his dog every day and celebrated his birthday with a party at the Red House.





Autumn is traditionally the time of the year for bonfires.  Before lighting one, please do remember to make sure there is no washing on your neighbour's line and that the wind is blowing away from the houses.





Charity Coffee Mornings are held at the Helyar Arms on the last Friday of each month from 10.30am  All welcome.  The dates are as follows:

Friday 26 October – Action Medical Research

Friday 30 November – Down’s Syndrome Association


Michelle left the Helyar Arms last Friday 28 September, to go travelling.  It was her idea that Charity Coffee Mornings are held on the last Friday of each month.  Since they started in September 2006, £5,700 has been raised for various charities.  It is a friendly way to raise money for charity and at the same time meeting friends old and new from the village.


We also wish Ian and Sue well on their departure from East Coker to Australia, and wish Matt, who is taking over the Helyar Arms, all the best for the future.





The footpath leading from the Yeovil Road to Herne Cottage (Y9/31), which skirts the eastern side of Coker House, has now been drained and repaired and will (hopefully) be much drier and easier to access.

This is a well used short cut from the Tellis Cross area to the Post Office, so we hope you will find this an improvement in the wetter months of the year.       


The roof of the cemetery lych-gate has been repaired, and there has been controlled badger movement by our badger consultant to prevent the further undermining of graves in the cemetery, which has been a major concern in the last few years.


The extension to the Pavilion Car Park is soon to be started.  For those who use the Pavilion Area for recreation, please continue to treat it with respect.  Parents, please remind your children that kicking balls at the Pavilion is destructive.  It is an older wooden construction and damage to the walls is not easy or cheap to repair – it is also a totally anti-social activity, as is climbing on the roof, so please make sure that your children are not causing damage or risking injury. 


If you have to walk your dog on the sports grounds (and we would far rather you didn’t!) you must clean up after your pet.  Many families and teams use the pitches and their surrounds and the health aspects of having a clean play surface cannot be emphasized enough.  Use the waste bins provided for all litter.


A local person has warned the parish council that if you are delivering leaflets to private homes on behalf of yourself or a society, club etc., you are not legally protected should a dog threaten or attack you.  Please think twice before entering property where a dog is loose and do not send children if there are any doubts.


We are still anxious to trace the Doberman dog which caused problems to pony riders in the spring and which is still out of control in the North Coker area.  It was last seen off the lead and off a footpath, chasing cattle in the Nash area.  The owner has been described as a ‘middle-aged, fair woman’ who seems to be oblivious to the problems her dog is causing.  If it is disturbing cattle or sheep, the farmer is quite within his rights to shoot it – so be warned!  With all the worries for farmers in the recent foot-and- mouth scare, dogs should not be anywhere near livestock, but this dog is becoming a nuisance to other walkers and riders, as well.


As the outbreaks of Foot and Mouth disease come and go, cattle, sheep and pig movements in Surrey and its surrounding counties are still on a complete standstill.  Somerset is now less at risk and controlled movements have resumed for the moment.  However, Somerset County Council has issued the following precaution notice to walkers in an attempt to keep the county and its livestock as safe as possible:


Do not stray from the right of way (this includes dogs)

Avoid walking amongst livestock

Never touch or handle livestock

Keep dogs on a lead where there may be livestock (cattle, in particular, are curious and approach dogs)

Take any waste, including food, home

Use any disinfectant footpads or baths which the landowner provides

Leave gates and property as you find them





Two Charity Events to benefit Hope and Homes for Children: Kate Adie, formerly BBC News Chief Correspondent, is to be the guest speaker at a fund-raising luncheon being held at East Coker Hall on Sunday, 4 November (£15 per person, to include a free glass of wine).  A concert, given by The Wessex Strings, will be performed in St Peter & St Paul's Church, South Petherton on Saturday, 17 November at 7.30pm (£5 beforehand or £6 on the door).


For tickets or further information concerning either event please contact Hope and Homes for Children’s local Support Group members – Brian Murray 01460 240984 or Susan Molesworth 01963 362337.  All proceeds from these two events will help some of the world's poorest children – those who are orphaned, abandoned or vulnerable as a result of war or disaster – see www.hopeandhomesandhomes.org





The next issue of the Newsletter will be in January 2008.  Copy, please, to Lesley Lindsay, Little Meadow, Coker Marsh, East Coker or e-mail Lesley Lindsay or to the East Coker Post Office & Stores by Thursday 3 January 2008.




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